Kvetoslav Minarik
Kvetoslav Minarik

     This site is dedicated to web-publishing the work of Kvetoslav Minarik, master of Buddhism, yoga, mysticism and practical psychology. It is our understanding and belief that these writings should be made accessible to the broadest range of "truth seeking readers". That is why we attempt to translate these rather complicated texts to English. The first book being translated is the autobiography Kechara. New paragraphs and chapters are being added constantly to this site as it is yet under construction and as the work on translation of Kechara progresses. So, please, check out the links to Kechara in the left frame.

    Our English is still rather poor but we hope that with the help of your comments the quality of the language will gradually improve. We believe that a poor translation is better than no translation and may help to liberate some beings...

The web designers.